EAI Journal
Interested In Artificial Intelligence? EAI Journal Has All You Need
To make a disruptive impact in society, artificial intelligence first needs to be understood and, of course, trusted. Although the term or the concept of AI isn’t quite new, there is still a bit of back and forth regarding both its positive and negative influences. Since AI is constantly evolving and changing, it is important to keep up to date, and the best way to do this is through well-curated content on the topic. We will discuss numerous points including its applications such as artificial intelligence in healthcare, finance, and much more.
Whether you are an expert in the field of artificial intelligence or just starting your journey, EAI Journal offers informative content and insights relating to the field. We take a look at the strides that have been made since its inception in the 1950s, to almost seven decades later, where artificial intelligence is present in most aspects of our day-to-day lives.

Artificial Intelligence For Robotics
According to experts, artificial intelligence is going to be the most disruptive force of technology within the next decade, and we agree. One of the major steps made in AI is its incorporation into robotics. In simple terms, robotics can be described as reprogrammable machines used in industrial automation applications.
Artificial intelligence and robotics form a powerful, symbiotic relationship in numerous applications. The combination automates tasks both within and without the industrial setting. Their application can be seen in manufacturing industries, for example, during the assembly of car parts or even in our homes in the case of robot vacuum cleaners. We have come to an age where even open-source robotics can be accessed by the general public for a myriad of applications.
Artificial Intelligence And Cloud Computing
In this day and age, AI and cloud computing have become part of our lives in several areas. The two have merged to bring us virtual assistants such as Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant. They started as voices on our phones and evolved to help us control our homes, cars and other electronic devices. With a simple verbal cue, we can start our cars, make online purchases, conduct internet searches, make purchases and much more.
On a much larger scale, AI and cloud computing consolidate to help businesses become more efficient, insight-driven and strategic. AI helps companies manage their data and spot patterns that help them improve workflow and customer experiences as well. In the long run, research shows that businesses can increase their revenue significantly when they implement AI. Unfortunately, however, it is predicted that organisations that don’t adopt these systems may become extinct in the future.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is creating a significant impact on the future of virtually all industries. What started as a concept to perform simple tasks automatically is now a driver of technological change, breakthroughs, and disruption like we have never experienced before. We have seen AI enter numerous industries such as big data, customer care, robotics, automotive, and many more in the recent past. It wouldn’t be a surprise to see fully autonomous AI systems in the future.
If you are interested in what artificial intelligence has to offer, it is important to delve into the AI space to fully understand it. This will also help you debunk any myths or misconceptions that may surround this topic as well as get a better understanding of the benefits and risks. At EAI Journal, we endeavour to provide you with all the information you need on the topic to learn new things as well as expand on what you may already be familiar with.